Monday, 5 November 2018

Medieval Design

From the pages of the Medieval Bestiary today we have a mantichore....lion's body with a human head and the tail of a scorpion or a dragon and...

A blemmyae. A headless human torso with the facial features embedded into the chest.

Being a little greedy I wouldn't have said no to a monopod either....a fellow with one single foot arching over his head which can be used for shade or an umbrella in the case of rain. However, I'm going to have to visit Dennington church to see one in situ. We might think of all these creatures as being very peculiar, but when you look at some of the real species in nature maybe they're not so really!

These marvellous examples were in the V & A when I was waiting for my former blogging buddy Lovely Grey on Saturday. She's keeping well.



  1. I went to Dennington church on one of my church blog posts and couldn't find the monopod anywhere! - (there were lots of other strange creatures and some normal ones too).

    1. The sciapod is on one of the bench ends I understand.

  2. Some medieval misconceptions can be 'sort of' explained away - but how on earth can the ol' monopod origin be determined?

    1. It was seeing the picture of the self castrating beaver which really made me a little startled!


Little Things

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