Tuesday 27 November 2018

Unravelling and Rethreading

I can't speak for anyone else at the moment, but I seem to be at a strange crossroads where everything is unravelling politically, but many around me at a local level are forging new connections and building stronger community links to meet the challenge of Climate Change. Whilst the politicians bicker like children egos clashing and the media has a field day pouring over the day's events, I'm just getting on with upping the ante, being more proactive about our beautiful planet and finding my voice. This beautiful piece of writing by Julie Myers has inspired me.

"The old threads are unravelling. Get your needles ready. We are stitching a new quilt of humanity. Bring your old t-shirts, worn out jeans, scarves, antique gowns, aprons, old pockets of plenty who have held Earth's treasures, stones, feathers, leaves, love notes on paper. Each stitch a mindful meditation. Each piece of material a story. The more colour the better, so call in the tribes. Threads of browns, whites, reds. oranges. Women from all nations start stitching. Let's recycle the hate, the abuse, the fear, the judgement. Turn it over, wash it out, wring it out to dry. It's a revolution of recycled wears. Threads of green, blues, purples. Colourful threads of peace, kindness, respect, compassion are being stitched from one continent to the next over forests, oceans, mountains. The work is hard. Your fingers may bleed. But each cloth stitched together brings together a community. A world, our future world under one colourful quilt. The new quilt of humanity."

This coming Saturday we are extending the opening hours of the Repair Cafe into an afternoon session for clothes repairs/upcycling and in January we'll be holding our first clothes swap. It's fantastic being a part of a local initiative which has been so positively received and continues to steadily grow in popularity.



  1. Julie Myers words are wonderful.
    Good luck with your Repair Cafe at the weekend.

    1. It's always buzzing with lots of new faces visiting. I made online contact with a local lady last week and she immediately signed up as a volunteer and we've got two more fixers starting this time too. ARilx

  2. Beautiful words. And yes, it is a strange unsettling time of contradiction and pettiness. I find distraction by crafting - wonder if we have a repair cafe near by - (goes off to check)

    1. Ours was the first in West Sussex and now there have been another two started up.

  3. Beautiful words for a world that truly is in a hurting place.

  4. The repair cafe sounds great,
    My new blogs again..... had to change them again!

    Julie's Journal & Scrapbook https://myjournalandscrapbook.blogspot.com/

    Scavenger Hunt https://myscavengerhuntscrapbook.blogspot.com/

    Julie xxxxx

  5. That quote is absolutely inspirational, so many thanks for that!


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