Sunday, 12 April 2020

From arachnids to yachts.

Yes I really have seen those two things in the blog title along with a host of other stuff on my local yokel walks I've been taking this week. We've been following the same quietish route for the last fortnight, but being the cheap thrillseekers we are sometimes we go off piste and divert up a side road. That's how we like to roll. I take a couple of photos each time we go out if I think it's worth my while....I have to keep the oddometer reserves topped up you know.

Firstly arachnids....this is on a front door on the route I follow into town. Normally I'm on the other side though. It must be like Halloween in their house every day!

Lots of new shows of continued support and solidarity still popping up. The window with the rainbow asked passers by to guess how many Easter Eggs they had on display and yes, I am more than happy to follow the instruction to eat chocolate!

One of the many beautiful skies that have been ours to enjoy. That tiny little white dot is the moon..I swear it looked much bigger when we were there, but maybe the brain compensates for it in some way and adjusts how we see it.

A touch of humour....I guess you tell at a glance whether it's your motorbike or not that way😀

To yacht. I don't like to not deliver on my promises!



  1. My walks are being enlivened by the window art displays, Aril. Our local big box stores now feature craft supplies for the kiddies alongside other lockdown essentials such as loo rolls.

  2. With restricted movement the ability to notice things does add a little daily interest! Arilx

  3. Awww, the art is really lovely! I love the balls!


Little Things

Seeing as there's very little to report in the way of blogworthy things this week, I thought that I'd get in a spot of much needed p...