Sunday, 5 April 2020

While the coast is clear

With the lighter evenings now Mr GBT and I have decided to follow the same/similar route on our permitted stroll as it's quieter. When the coast has been clear I have snapped the odd photo here and there.....

Chalked rainbows...the children have been keeping busy outside in the dry weather. It was very tempting to have a go at the hopscotch. It was a game I loved playing when I was a child and we had a permanent one painted on the playground.

Thank goodness we are travelling by Shank's pony and not by any other means of looks like I couldn't be sure of our vehicle's safety if we parked nearby as it's not a Landy😀

This house has had all manner of military vehicles on its drive over the years. They are repaired and then disappear only to be replaced by something else. I am given to understand that the homeowner is one of the organisers of a local military show, so presumably is a real enthusiast. It looks quite threatening until you realise that it's currently missing a wheel so isn't going anywhere for the foreseeable future!

To finish a very timely decorated painted stone. We have been out to clap all those amazing people who are working on the front line every Thursday. This week we were accompanied by a neighbour playing her ukelele. We all do that British thing of smiling politely at each other when we've finished and then scurrying back indoors.



  1. I love the chalk drawings. The invitation to play along should be taken up.

    1. The hopscotch has brought back happy memories for me. Arilx

  2. Well a very interesting virtual walk I have just had. Where do the armoured vehicles go do you know?
    Think I would be tempted to have a go at hopscotch too

    Julie xxxxxxx

    1. I only wish I knew...perhaps he sells them or has access to storage somewhere. Arilx


Little Things

Seeing as there's very little to report in the way of blogworthy things this week, I thought that I'd get in a spot of much needed p...