Sunday, 19 April 2020

Pom Pom

Ah the daily permitted's taken on far more significance than I had ever thought it would and has really driven home to me how important it is for me to see new things and enjoy new experiences no matter how scaled back. We go out after we've eaten our evening meal so it marks the end of the chores and the beginning of relaxation. It gives Mr GBT and I a chance to download our days [he's still working albeit from home] and discuss anything knotty. On his one non running day of the week TYM joins us for our meander. Still photographing as we go....every day something has changed.

People's personal interpretations of the current situation and how they express this in the art they display on their homes. Some of it is precise and intricate others more naive/folkarty.

The keyworkers being celebrated by their children who are still attending the local school. There have been lots of teddies appearing in the windows on our rounds these past few days [we've put some up here which Humphrey delights in sending flying!]. I gather these are for the little ones to enjoy a bear hunt whilst they're out walking with their families.

Nature carries on doing her thing quietly. These stunning tulips were a deep crimson and custard yellow, but difficult to capture the full effect in the evening light. I popped into the woods near the river bank for a quick chance to reconnect with the trees.

Somebody's pride and joy. I might not be interested in vehicles per se but I do love to see beautifully maintained older vehicles and the attention to detail on the bodywork. I haven't seen a Moggie in years.

Got to love a bit of brutal humour...I heeded the sign and neither tarried not trespassed!!

Pom poms....lots of them. This has to be my favourite so entire hedge of handmade pom poms......if I were the homeowner I'd keep it there permanently! We have a hedge on one side of us, but it's not ours so don't think I can recreate this look for us sadly!!



  1. Seeing the new when we are all confined to a smaller geography wander is a gift. I think I will keep my eyes more open when we head for our walk later.

    1. I am regarding it as keeping a record of this strange time we find ourselves in and everyday people's response to it. Arilx

  2. Anyone rambling through our neighborhood will have no difficulty in spotting which households are home-schooling young artists. This situation has given new meaning to the 50's architectural feature, "picture window", and it's anticipated that passers-by will pause to admire the picture!

    1. I have photographed the most interesting interpretations imho, but many are done by little people here too which I'm not photographing. Arilx

  3. Love the pom-pom hedge.

    Julie xxxxxx

    1. The house also has a rainbow banner supporting the NHS. Arilx


Little Things

Seeing as there's very little to report in the way of blogworthy things this week, I thought that I'd get in a spot of much needed p...