Wednesday 22 April 2020

Soldiering On

These toy soldiers are an enormous 1/4 of an inch high and are one of the first things I ever got for my dollshouse. I say "got" deliberately because my BIL painted them for me. Hand made or decorated miniatures are the best miniatures of all in my book. Yesterday it was my BIL's 60th birthday. As you might imagine he's had to put any plans he had to celebrate on ice. Mr GBT's family don't make a big thing of birthdays usually but this is not usual at the moment and his sister pinged him a message asking if we could send a card. We didn't have a suitable one here so we cheekily took a photo of G's handiwork with the tag line...."Happy birthday G....keep soldiering on!" I wrote a more sensible and appropriate message inside for him.


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