Monday, 13 April 2020

My talisman

This funny little fellow came into my life by mysterious means back in 2005. A few months after Mr GBT was suddenly made redundant I found this little chap on one of the shelves in the garage where I store extra dried foods like tins. He was very prominent yet neither of us recognised him or had any recollection of putting him there. The more prosaic explanation might have been that it came in with a broken old Davenport desk that a friend had saved from being burnt [so Mr GBT could reuse the mahogany for his furniture business], but at the time I took it as a sign of support from where ever and adopted it as my talisman.

For a long time it had hung on a ring off my purse, but my most recent purse wasn't suitable for this so so I shoved him on with my car key instead and not having driven for weeks I haven't seen him. Earlier in the week I sorted out my costume jewellery and realised that I had a spare necklace cord.  Yesterday I joined up the dots and have made him into a necklace which I shall enjoy wearing. I always wondered what he "was", but a spot of google searching has confirmed he is a Cornish pixie no less and they are believed to be a sign of good luck!

Life can be strange sometimes.....



  1. He's smashing, what an interesting find. I thought he was a Lincolnshire Imp but he's not ugly enough! x

    1. I've got a Lincoln imp on my wall which probably comes as no great surprise! Arilx

  2. He is mischievous .Good on a cord. (not chain) If he is Cornish, he is a piskie. Hope he brings you good luck.


Little Things

Seeing as there's very little to report in the way of blogworthy things this week, I thought that I'd get in a spot of much needed p...