Tuesday, 28 April 2020

It's life Gym, but not as we know it!

Is it not oft said that necessity is the Mother of all invention. TYM is missing the gym...I mean really missing the gym. Last week we put our heads together to see how we could set up a temporary home gym....the only snag was that we literally have no gym equipment. Did that stop us in our tracks though....nope we rose to the challenge with zero outlay!!

Step 1. Rope your Dad in from the outset. You're the one with the vision and ideas...he's the one with the practical skills and engineering experience to know whether your proposition is going to be safe or not. Here are the two of them busily emptying the heavy sandfilled base of the punchbag that's sat unused on TYM's bedroom floor for the last few years [except when he's hung his clean clothes on it!] into two buckets stolen from our garage. Weigh both to ensure they're the same.

Step 2.  Both rummage around in the garage and shed for suitable candidates to be transformed....ta-dah

Apparently [as one who has never stepped inside a gym I am completely reliant on what others tell me!!] he's going to lie on the mahogany wardrobe base [old furniture given to us to be made into miniature furniture] and lift the buckets strung across that blue metal pole thing. The yellow hose is for biceps and he pulls the paint pot that his Father has affixed to the wall up and down. Better still our kind neighbour has said he can complete his workout by using the pull up bar they've got on the side of their house.

So there you go...not only is he running 6km 6 days a week [he walks with us on the other day], whizzing around on his bike delivering takeaways he can now fit in a garage workout too whenever he fancies it. Exercise is his means of alleviating stress. I, meanwhile, have now had my longheld suspicions confirmed...that child of mine must have been swapped at birth. His parents' idea of keeping fit is wrestling with a particularly stubborn cork in a bottle of vino!!



  1. Is it not wonderful how the virus brings family members together ;)

    1. Indeed. TYM bought his Dad a bottle of beer to thank him for all his hard work. Arilx

  2. Chortle! My idea of keeping fit is a potter in the garden with a mug of tea - yes, think you have a foundling in your midst :D

    1. A woman after my own heart! I exercise as part of doing something else I enjoy like my walking and dancing. Arilx

  3. He sounds like my daughters! The older one has been going to a deserted track to log specific miles-walking there, running, then walking home. She has been doing dean can weights. the younger lives on the bike now that we got it out and tires filled. The young need that outlet. Well done to TYM.

    1. It's recognising it and supporting them that's the important part isn't it! Arilx


Little Things

Seeing as there's very little to report in the way of blogworthy things this week, I thought that I'd get in a spot of much needed p...