Monday, 19 August 2013

Merrie Monday!

When, with a chum the other week, I was, I freely admit, just a tad alarmed when she asked me if I would like to see her "dirty little secret"! I prepared myself mentally, you know the "I must be open minded" approach, stiff upper lip, Blitz Spirit and all that. This is what she showed me!

Her comment was "if it's good enough for Chelsea it's good enough for me!" I simply guffawed- knowing her taste it certainly wasn't what I was expecting even though I didn't know what I was expecting if you see what I mean! I honestly don't know what I think about these little chaps- I am fairly sure I shall never have them in my garden but I veer from finding them rather twee to absolutely hilarious. Some are outrageously cheeky which makes me smile even wider! What I do definitely know is that I love the tales of gnome hunting and their subsequent documented travels as they traverse the world before being returned one would hope to their original owner and I definitely want to visit The Gnome Reserve in Devon!

So on this theme the lovely Mr Bowie with "The Laughing Gnome"



  1. Love gnomes!! Shall have to get you a photo of one of our favourties.... :)

  2. I shall look forward to it- some of them are hilarious!



 I've been getting some practice in today using my new phone. We've been to a Sussex garden called Denmans which is new to both of u...