Friday, 20 September 2013

Grandma Moses

At about the same time as the square wheel went out of fashion I was studying for my degree. My secondary subject was American Studies which I preferred by a long chalk to the English- it covered lots of different subjects and one of my discoveries along the way was The Fall in New England. Once I'd seen photos of the stunning foliage I was completely smitten and pledged that one day I would see it for myself....and I did. We went and spent a fortnight on our honeymoon and it exceeded all expectations. Sights like this greeted us every day when we were up in Vermont.

Day after day I drank in one glorious vista after another- I never tired of it nor the charming white clapboard buildings set against it. We took countless photos but sadly they couldn't capture the sheer luminosity of the colours. That was 20 years ago and even now I still wish I was back there at this time of year as I just completely fell in love with the area.

Alongside the sheer beauty of the  region I also saw my first examples of American Folk Art. Already a confirmed Beryl Cook fan and a lover of patchwork and naive crafts it suited my tastes to a tee- so much so that our bedroom is decorated in a folk art style. Grandma Moses [1860-1961]  who I came across in later years of research was a renowned American folk art- what could be better for me her paintings combined with an autumnal theme!

There's lots more of her work online if you want to sneak a peek!


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