Wednesday 25 September 2013

Wedding Anniversary

Today I am a little startled to find that I have been married for twenty years- I am not quite sure how two decades have passed by quite that quickly. A quick look in the mirror at the natural grey highlights and the ridges and furrows on my forehead confirm that it must be true though.

As ever I bounded in enthusiastically from work demanding to know whether my long service medal had arrived- it appears that I have longer to wait before I am rewarded for my contribution to the institution of marriage. Naturally it has been a day of romantic celebrations.....not. I'm afraid that I was in the queue for an alcoholic tipple and a savoury snack when they were handing out romance. I suspect Mr GBT would have been a more romantic soul if he hadn't met me and had it knocked out of him! I did make him a card though and I have just gone wild and paid out for him to have a doughnut!
Intensive research [called that a quick flit around google] reveals that this is our China anniversary. There appears to be a distinct lack of valuable pieces of Meissen round the house today- more than by luck than design we are going on a" hot"  date tomorrow night [I am dancing tonight so have got my priorities all right!]
to a local Chinese restaurant. Something however, seems to have got lost in the translation of "hot date" as we're taking our son with us. Oh dear there's no hope for some and even less for others.......



  1. Happy belated anniversary! Doesn't matter what you do as long as it makes you happy - personally the doughnut would have sealed the deal for me! Cheap date me!

  2. Thanks Kim- I too am a cheap date. I choose wine by the price and then whether it has a pretty label/bottle!


Batty Scaremaker

 It was another of my precious Mondays off and I was due to be in London, but my lovely friend was called for a very important NHS appointme...