Monday 21 April 2014

The King's Men

Have I ever mentioned that I am a Morris Dancer? Thought not she says firmly removing her tongue from her cheek...not mentioned once...pah a few hundred times maybe!! Naturally I am most repentant at this constant repetition [not] so be warned another dancing post is coming up. Feel free to skip if the thought of jingling bells brings you out in hives!

One of the added dimensions to dancing with Mythago is, that as the name suggests, we "the hell's angels of morris" as one spectator was overheard describing us, perform stories aswell as the more regular sets of dancing that all sides do. Yesterday we were at the Weald and Downland museum and "The King's Men" was dusted off and given an airing.

For those not familiar with this particular story it originates from the Rollright Stones in Oxfordshire. Supposedly a King, his men and his treacherous knights were petrified by a witch. Only at midnight can they come back to life and and dance in a circle. It is believed that one day the spell will be broken.

The Witch considering her options!

Intimidating all her foes!

And just before she has cast her spell upon the King!

And the results of her handiwork!

The Kings Stone, The King's Men and The Whispering Knights.

The Rollright Stones are well worth a visit. It is a very atmospheric spot. More info about the site can be found here



  1. Never tire of the Mythago posts....wish there were videos too, would love to watch and listen! *hint hint* ;-)

  2. There are lots of videos on yootoob K !

  3. This is the official channel!

  4. Didn't know there was a channel (did I? lol). Will go subscribe, ty!

  5. I had to ask on FB for the link :-)


Traffic Cones

[Image from Pixabay] For those of us who like a geeky fact or three an American street painter by the name of Charles Scanlan first came up ...