Sunday, 26 April 2015

Mompesson House

Mompesson House built for Charles Mompesson in 1701- glorious Queen Anne interiors and my adored style of furniture which Mr GBT creates for me in glorious miniature for my dollshouse. Another of our quarries seen during our recent time spent in Salisbury and National Trust so free entry. Even better!

Colourful borders with people enjoying the sunshine and playing croquet.

Views from the dining room. The 18th century drinking glasses are from the Turnbull collection.

My kind of cupboard.....

Stumpwork pictures. The hours it must have taken and the skill required to produce these beautiful items is mind blowing.

This piece is known as the Rudd's toilet table and opens out with mirrors on either side [as shown in the link]. Designed by Hepplewhite the Rudd to whom it refers may be Margaret Caroline Rudd who was a famous courtesan of the time. I have my eye on this as a potential piece for my dollshouse. Mr GBT looked a little startled but he's made the most amazing convertible pieces before so given time he may well be persuaded. I think though that it will be a one off just for me.

A few more random images to whet your appetite.

The house was used to film the London scenes at Mrs Jennings' house in the film adaptation of "Sense and Sensibility". It's now twenty years since it was released and there is a small exhibition about it together with a collection of some of the costumes on display.

Some of the NT properties I visit I never really warm to but this one had an intimate feel and was my taste to a tee.


1 comment:

  1. Books and drink! Only missing the part for chocklit and that's the cupboard I want in MY house!


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