Wednesday, 8 April 2015

....To Slaugham.

Another lovely Sussex village where we ended our walk and again only a stone's throw away from GBT.

We did poke about in the church which was pleasant but not sure it merits a blog post. Might do...shall ponder that one.

Slaugham itself is very diddy but extremely picturesque even on a cloudy grey day.

An Edward VII post box and a rare white telephone box. It's one of only three in the country and the Lord of the Manor paid for it to be painted this colour in the 1920s so that it blended in with the background. Nowadays it is Grade II listed.

We both admired the different roof heights on this property Foyles. It was originally the village workhouse. The village tap has been pressed back into use to support the notice board.

Finally this fellow sliding down a roof. This is pure conjecture but if I was asked why the cat was there I would hazard a guess and say it's a sliding cat sliding down a cat slide roof!


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