Monday, 4 May 2015

A Variation On A Theme.

I make absolutely no apologies for yet another greenman post...if you're fed up to the back teeth with them then please feel free to ignore!

Obviously by now you may have the slightest inkling that I am just mildly interested in the man-of-the woods figure [or some may cruelly say completed obsessed] and nothing gives me greater pleasure than when I stumble across new ones. Honest guv I had no plans to seek out any more this weekend but fabulously the powers that be had other plans for me. Now normally I am used to seeing these figures either carved from wood or stone and other than possibly one at Exeter cathedral I have only ever seen painted ones for sale not in situ. Weirdly I encountered ones of these ilk two days running. The first lot were in Rochester Cathedral and I hadn't appreciated they were there until my Mythago chums informed me [we were there dancing on Saturday] errantly believing that I had already covered all bases with the stone ones seen and snapped last year. These ones are verging on the manic...almost like something out of a Grimm's fairy tale or Punch as one friend remarked.

Due to unforseen circumstances the dancing for yesterday had to be cancelled but we had already decided to visit a couple of places whilst we were over in East Sussex. These rather more naive but charming chaps adorn the exterior of the Ship Inn in Alfriston.

I am still tickled pink today by these latest discoveries!


1 comment:

  1. I couldn't ever be fed up of green man photos .... keep them coming, please.


Little Things

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