Thursday 24 July 2014


Yesterday I shed a few tears but I am happy in the knowledge that I gave the naughty tortie a good life in the time she was with me [she was a rescue cat and not in a good way when she came here] and a good death. She leaves behind a cat shaped hole which I will fill again once the summer holidays are over with another adult cat needing love and a new home.

Last night we needed to drop the small person off in Falmer for the last part of his National Citizenship Service induction [he starts next week ....exciting times!] so Mr GBT suggested a quick whizz over to Rottingdean which is not far whilst we were down there. Normally I go dancing on Wednesday night but had decided to cancel. It was the right thing to do...the sound of the waves breaking was amazingly calming and helped me to regain some emotional balance. We stopped for a quick jar and raised a glass to the little furry lady. The only time I had to catch my breath was when I saw this road sign. Twitten is a Sussex name for an alley but the timing was ironic somehow.

 The view across the village pond. You can see the windmill in the background.

There is a lovely row of Tudor houses with the most fantastic carved detailing over the doors and windows. I realise that they are not Tudor in age but I loved some of the whacky creatures and faces peering out nevertheless.

Finally this little fellow is set into the wall that runs alongside "The Elm"s which is where Rudyard Kipling lived for five years. The story goes that you should rub his nose with the forefinger of your right hand to make a wish then turn round three times to make the wish come true. However, I don't suggest you try it as there's a busy road running in front of it and you are more likely to end up doing an impression of a strawberry yogurt smeared across the tarmac!


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