Wednesday, 11 February 2015

Yew View

This is the magnificent yew tree I saw at the weekend in the churchyard at Dunsfold.

It is 1500 years old and as you can see from the photo the trunk is completely hollow.

I couldn't resist standing inside the middle and taking a photo of the church porch through the apertures in the bole.

This is the view spiralling away above me. Love all the different shades of the wood.

For anyone like me who is a huge fan of these magnificent trees I have recently learnt of the existence of the Ancient Yew Group  Worth a look if you want to see if there are any fine examples in your area.



  1. Gorgeous tree, sadly no yews near us :'(

  2. That's a pity - there seem to only be a few in Suffolk aswell. If you ever come to West Sussex Kingley Vale is a whole forest of just yews!


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