Wednesday, 27 December 2017

About Bleeding Time

One of my gay friends has wanted to give blood for a very long time and has been frustrated that he has been unable to do so.  On occasion he has spoken of his disappointment that he has not been allowed to do so and from time to time he's shared online petitions to try and get the law changed.

Coming from a family who give blood [sadly I can't now, but TYM started at 17] I can sympathise with him and have signed everything that has come my way. It was then with great delight that I learnt from him yesterday that there has finally been a sea change and, as of last month, some relaxation of the rules. He excitedly told me that he has his first appointment as a blood donor on 8th January. And what is he looking forward to the most you might wonder? Finding out what blood type he is apparently!

I do so love being able to share a nugget of positive news with people!



  1. Panic set in despite accurate screening.Good man for wanting to stay at it, knowing he could potentially save a life.

    1. In the UK now you learn how many people your donation has helped and where in the country, It makes it seem more real somehow.

  2. Good news ... it's about time such discriminations ended.

  3. Well done for his determination despite all the obstacles - well done :)

    1. I agree. Hopefully more chaps will be encouraged by the news and come forward.



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