Monday 18 December 2017

For a change....

After a successful first term away I'm delighted to report that TYM is home for a few weeks. He's no longer eating meat which is not a problem as I have always cooked a far higher percentage of meat free meals here at GBT. I'm always on the lookout for simple, thrifty, fuss free yet tasty new recipes to add to the repertoire. I tried this one recently and it got the thumbs up

As ever I made the following tweaks to fit in with my time schedule and what I actually had in the cupboard. The chickpea mix was quickly put together in the morning and left in the fridge to marinade, the onion/chilli/garlic combi was fried until it had softened as I think it would have remained quite raw otherwise, I didn't have any coriander in stock so that got left out this time and I really didn't want a half full pot of coconut milk yogurt mouldering away in the back of the fridge.....instead I grated some cream coconut and watered it down with a bit of water and a dollop of the Tesco Everyday cream cheese and then added some salt for flavour. I thought it made a very tasty dish and the big bonus for me was that, unlike baked potatoes, sweet potatoes count as one of your five a day. If you're not a fan of yams [as is the case with TYM as he struggles with the texture] I reckon the mix would be equally good served over rice.



  1. Yes, mine came back as a vegi-whimp (an affectionate term seeing I am one too!) and it has been great having a fellow vegi in our house. He is in Spain on a uni trip and is loving the food and send back messages of all the things he has eaten ... I suspect I will have to improve my efforts at home to keep up with his now 'broadened' tastesbuds!!

    1. It could take us both in all sorts of new and exciting directions!

  2. He might enjoy Thug Kitchen - an American blog with some amazing meat-free recipes. The language is really naughty but the food always tastes wonderful!

  3. Thanks Vix. Think he would enjoy the site. As for the language...well frankly TYM is pretty potty mouthed!

  4. I love it!!! I adore chick peas so I would like to make this!


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