Wednesday, 20 December 2017

Christmas Scavenger Hunt 20th December


This rather oversized stocking found its way home with me from the charity shop. It cost a princely 50 pennies and it was with great glee that I left it outside my teenager's door last year. Having texted him at uni to see whether, at the grand old age of 19 and a half, he still wanted a stocking I received a "yes please" reply within moments. The offerings inside will be of a practical or edible nature...most useful when you're a hard-up student!



  1. Love the stocking. The contents sound wonderful too

    Julie xxxxx

  2. Aha - similar conversations were had with my two... and they too agreed that no stocking was not an option..... one is 17 and the other about to be 19 3/4 (not that he is counting!)

  3. The stocking is marvellous and practical items such as you mentioned are a great idea!!



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