Monday, 18 December 2017

Christmas Scavenger Hunt 18th December

Christmas Wrapping Paper

A photo of scarves is probably not what you were expecting. Gleaned from the ever fabulous Freecycle, this year is going to be my first foray into Furoshiki which is the Japanese art of wrapping gifts in fabric. Mine won't be pretty, but it will quicken a job I don't enjoy and I can reuse the wrappings. This is how it should be done😊



  1. What an inviting looking pile! I've been the recipient of many a gift wrapped in a scarf - including some from the wonderful Lush who've been doing it for donkeys year! xxx

  2. That was done so calmly and beautifully and looked perfect once completed, however, as inspired as I am, I think mine would look for like a desperate measure to tie a parcel in a piece of fabric rather than a work of art! Good luck !

  3. I made some bags last year...just a quick wash and we'll be good to go! x

    1. Excellent idea...I had thought about this too, but was too idle in the end!

  4. You are quite right about not expecting to see a pile of scarves but what a beautiful idea. I had never heard of Furoshiki before, but I might give it a try next year. x

  5. Great idea - I might finally get rid of all the scarves I can't resist buying ... but then you'd have to be sure that all the presents were the right shape too - can't see socks doing very well wrapped like that lol

  6. My brother in law does something similar!x



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