Sunday, 24 December 2017

Christmas Scavenger Hunt 24th December

Night Before Christmas

Up until Tuesday this week I had not acquired a single extra decoration [quite a personal achievement for me...usually there's at least one!] However, I saved this little wooden fellow from being thrown into a bin at a client's house and I couldn't bear to see him destined to end up in landfill, so he's joined us here at GBT.

Today we have the friends who always join us coming here for soup and some little party food snacks at lunchtime. This evening I shall open the mulled wine, fill my greenman goblet to the brim, read the Father Christmas Letters and then turn off all the main lights, so that only the magical colours of the fairylights are cast. Once the preparations are finished this part of Christmas Eve is simply my favourite night of the year.

Thank you so much to Julie for organising the Scavenger Hunt and all the lovely comments fellow bloggers have taken the time to leave for me.

Wishing you all a peaceful break from all of us here at Gnat Bottomed Towers.



  1. So happy you saved the snowman, the thought of him in the bin is unthinkable

    Julie xxxx

  2. Awww,so glad you rescued that little snow man!,It would break my heart to throw something like that away!,Hope you have a lovely break and best wishes to you and your Family,Debi,xx

  3. Have the most fabulous Xmas, Aril! xxx

  4. Have a wonderful quirky Christmas Aril! x

  5. It sounds a lovely Christmas. Enjoy. X

  6. Lovely snowman - it would be a shame to lose that one.
    It was good to meet you through this fun project - Have a fabulous new year Aril and may 2018 bring you all you could wish for. Fil



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