Wednesday, 23 March 2016

"A Quirky Victorian Museum"

The above was a description of the Horniman museum I read recently before I visited with Lovely Grey at the weekend. Having viewed the contents I am mystified why anyone would choose that particular adjective. It all seems perfectly normal to me.....I jest! In all truth the thing that unsettled me the most was the case full of stuffed pooch's hardly as if I've never seen animal heads mounted up as hunting trophies before but dogs? I found it really quite distasteful even though there is no rationale behind my reaction. I can only think that as a dog lover it seems I am more culturally hard wired than I had appreciated!



  1. It's nothing like Bramber, but it does remind me of Bramber Museum.

  2. Ah yes indeed the Potter collection with the kittens! Remember seeing that when I was a child- it's now been broken up and sold.

    1. I believe that Damien Hurst wanted to buy the entire collection. He offered £1 million, but it was turned down.

    2. Sadly true although I read that he was too late with his bid but a great shame nevertheless. I was fascinated when I saw it.

  3. Better pictures than mine mate! Shame that the stuffed kitten museum is no morex


Little Things

Seeing as there's very little to report in the way of blogworthy things this week, I thought that I'd get in a spot of much needed p...