Sunday, 27 March 2016

Easter Baking hope you've overindulged on the chocolate front [like me!]....hop over and join me on the Naughty Step!

Frankly the weather we have in my little part of the world today is what I would call "typical Bank Holiday weekend"....lashing down so what's a girl to do....bake of course. Being me have I gone for a traditional Easter style of hell I have!

My offering is an orange and carrot cake using this recipe id=g4ieBAAAQBAJ&pg=PT148&lpg=PT148&dq=mrs+simkins+carrot+cake+recipe&source=bl&ots=1GxW8lXeIN&sig=RzVttlrAeGWj3acQ2cnkifw4ogk&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjA-eOs8-DLAhWHExoKHSl6DhQQ6AEILjAD#v=onepage&q=mrs%20simkins%20carrot%20cake%20recipe&f=false Carrot cake is my absolute favourite but I've only ever made it the once yonks ago- I have bad memories of spending three days grating carrots and then waiting a further day and a half for the wretched thing to be cooked. It put me right off ever trying it again, but having recently discovered this recipe, I thought I'd be brave and give it another whirl. Simples...all done in the whizzy machine and it was even ready within the stated cooking time.

My late FIL always insisted that at Easter you should have a chicken and the last saved Christmas pudding...none of this leg of lamb malarky. We have a clan gathering later and as a nod to the Christmas pud idea, we've concocted a mincemeat and orange pastry tart for dessert which we'll serve with cream pimped up with a slug of the Peach Schnapps that Mr GBT recently made. As for the poultry, I understand we're having a three bird roast which has been languishing in the parental freezer since the festive season. Can you hear my tummy rumbling from there?!!



  1. Ooh yum! The first few carrot cakes I ever made were like rubber and even the hens (who ended up getting it) were reluctant to eat it!! I might even try it again !

    1. The cake is very moreish. I just did it all with plain flour as didn't have any wholemeal.

  2. It was roast Lamb, champers, and Simnel cake here. I shall be interested to hear how your 3 bird roast went down.

    1. Sounds gorgeous Cro. The 3 bird roast was a winner- they're from the frozen section in Lidl and had been recommended to us. They more than lived up to expectation!


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