Monday, 28 March 2016

Best Foot Forward.

Today I am going to be doing one of the things I love best....dancing at the Weald and Downland museum. If the weather plays ball we'll be down in the Market Square with the South Downs as a glorious backdrop, but even if it's pants, then we'll be able to perform in the dry inside the Gridshell.

The type of dancing I do is tough on the old tootsies so footwear needs to be chosen with care - something sturdy which can take the beating is the order of the day. Several members of the side favour New Rocks which are good shock absorbers and are very much in keeping with the look of the side. They are expensive new so most have bought them from Fleabay.

Personally I prefer the shoes and for a brief while I had a pair which I bought off my dancing pal Ice Badger. However, having tried dancing in them they were too heavy to be either comfortable or practical to move at any speed other than that of a striking slug.

So 'twas back to the drawing board and after having worn holes in the soles of a couple more pairs of boots since then I have finally come up with a solution. I am at the grand age of 49 and no longer a DM virgin!

Being honest I am a bit of a doom merchant and I anticipated problems with nasty blisters etc. Thankfully I have been proved wrong- I think their previous owner probably broke them in for me but they've had only the lightest of wear. I've worn them to a couple of practices so far and they've been blissfully comfortable. For £50 including p&p from America I think I've nabbed myself a bargain. Am looking forward to christening them later!



  1. My boots that are stuck to my feet all winter are DMs. They are brilliant! x

    1. Everyone who's got them raves about them- as ever it would seem I'm late to the party!

  2. Be still my beating heart those shoes and boots are things of beauty! What sort of dancing do you do in those glorious beasties?

  3. Enjoy your dancing and I hope those American shoes will work and keep your tootsies blister free. I'd love to see your dancing sometime!

    1. If you put "Mythago Morris" into youtube you'll find some clips of us dancing Sam.

  4. Just had a look at your 'Turncoat' on YouTube. Great stuff, but shouldn't you be outside a pub'?

    1. Occasionally we do a pub stand but we are a large side to accommodate. We have been known to provoke a strong reaction from certain quarters too...some people really object to us and what they "think" we represent!


A Quite Interesting Monday

I had yesterday off and we spent nearly three hours in a queue [the British do so love a queue] in London in the freezing cold. Was it worth...