Friday, 29 December 2017

Wrapping it all up.

Since dipping my toe in the world of self-employment, this week between Christmas and the New Year has always been a bit of a curious egg for me as I do a strange kind of half working and half holidaying  thing depending on what my clients' needs are. Yesterday I went to the flicks with Mr GBT  [morning show reduced price tickets yay!] and mucking out GBT so that I can see friends and kick my heels over the weekend.

As I was tidying I grabbed the old press and point to wind up the plethora of festive posts with a couple of snaps of some of the gifts I was treated to. The pentacle was made by a fellow Morris Dancer and the book is spot on. It's a new title and not one I've heard of so am looking forwards to getting my nose stuck into that one.

With 2018 fast approaching I've been giving a little bit of thought to anything I might like to tweak. The one thing I do want to put in place is to spend more time reading for pleasure. With this in mind I recently joined a very informal reading group [I checked before hand as I have no wish to go back to "studying" books in depth] which meets every six weeks down at the local pub. I understand that about 20 minutes is actually spent discussing the book and the rest is general nattering over a drink. Sounds perfect and something new to look forwards to starting in January.



  1. The book and the reading group sounds interesting

    Julie xx

    1. I hope so to. At the very least it will bring me into contact with new authors.

  2. That sounds like the type of book group I could enjoy. Like you I have no desire to really study books these days, it sucks the enjoyment from them for me.

    1. Me too. There are still certain books I can't look at without feeling the need to reach for a pen and start analysing. This one should be no pressure.

  3. That sounds exactly like the book group I organise! I hope you enjoy it.

    1. I remember you talking about your group. I might be plundering your blog for ideas when it's my turn to choose a a book for the group!

  4. Sounds like a plan. A really good one😊 I agree about the week between yule and new year - it is a strange fish. Almost like being in limbo. Tried the tidying up lark but in the face of severe opposition, went for a walk instead!

    1. Still lots more sorting to do here too. Won't really get going until the decs come down!

  5. Reading for pleasure is a worth while pursuit. Good luck.

    1. Yes I'm going to have to be disciplined. Social media can be such a time suck.



 I've been getting some practice in today using my new phone. We've been to a Sussex garden called Denmans which is new to both of u...