Wednesday, 6 May 2020

Along the way.

Photos from last week's walks. We made a few detours and waddled a little off piste to ring in the changes as I don't want it to become a set routine. The taking of photos is an outlet for me to record both my memories and this period of how different people are responding publically to the changes affecting them.

If you're going for a spare wheel cover be bold and distinctive I say....this reminds me greatly of the Mythago drummer with his skull mask....

We ventured over into a nearby village one evening...behind this gate is a most gorgeous black and white timbered building...all wonky angles where the original wood twisted because it wasn't seasoned at the time. The gate in front has an interesting set of patterns with with the metal grate interspersed between the paving stones.

This is what happens to all those lost golf balls when the golf course has been closed for a while...people find them and make contemporary art!!

A beautiful little nod being made to Beltane here with the white spray of flowers this tree has not fallen into the river below with all its roots so exposed is beyond me, but there it has stood in this same state for many a year.

The redbrick building is a former water mill. Last time I looked it was a vet's practice, but time has moved on and now it's a canine grooming salon. Rather liked the play on words from the Hairy Bikers!

Finally it wouldn't be one of these posts if it didn't feature a rainbow....except it's a real one this time....I have of course outrageously twonked about with the colours just for my own personal interest. It didn't look remotely like that, but I've enjoyed creating the effect just for the hell of it! I've got to get my highs where I can these days😈



  1. What a cool way to dabble with color. Hairy Barkers is funny.

    1. I quite liked that unicorn effect even though it's cheating! ARilx

  2. The tree resembles an illustration by Arthur Rackham for a particularly scary children's book. Wonder what happens there under a full moon?

  3. That gate looks like a face - I love gates that hide interesting buildings. Hairy Barkers - great lol

    1. I would so love to go and have a nose around!! Arilx



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