Sunday 10 May 2020

Winding the clock back.

As promised some memories of the fabulous day I spent in the company of erstwhile blogger Lovely Grey [I have spoken to her a couple of times more recently and she's doing well] nosing around London.  I don't go up into town that frequently [cost is a major factor] so when I do I like to experience as much as possible and yes that includes the ambience of a pub!!

This time we met up at Somerset House which is a magnificent edifice. Whereever you look there is yet another stylish detail to stop and admire. Even the lamp post has a crown on the top and a Royal cypher on it. I think it's most likely to be for George IV, but it could be William IV. I've looked online and they're tricky to pin down exactly. If you recognise it please let me know in the comments! The inside doesn't disappoint either....I couldn't resist cricking my neck to get a photo of the ceiling and that completely OTT light!

As is oft the case with these places it's absolutely free and we were there to see their then current exhibition "Mushrooms, Design and Future of Fungi". Aside from eating and some erm recreational uses 😉 and many being exquisitely beautiful, I hadn't realised just how much potentially they have to offer too as a green alternative. The technology now exists to make compostable clothing and accessories. For the first time and last time of my life I was able to go into a shop wholly dedicated to fungi...there were books and appropriately themed jewellery, but also a whole range of products to buy including body creams! The display itself might have been quite modest, but it covered many different areas and showcased it in many different art forms using a wide range of mixed media. These were two of my personal favourites.

Carston Holler's "Mushroom Suitcase" and a woollen rug by the Australian makers Perks and Mini.

It seems that nearly every surface in London is adorned with rich detail [maybe some less prosaic than others granted] which is like manna from heaven for a bod like me. Our walk back along the river provided much for me to enjoy....even the tube stations are full of decorative style from bygone eras if you have time to look as you pass through them.

This the Frank Dobson's "London Pride" which was commissioned for the Festival of Britain in 1951. It has been positioned here since his widow donated it in 1987.

There are a whole series of these painted facades above the row of shops next to the OXO Tower. They were done on the cheap in the late 1980s/early 1990s so have done well to survive. They are looking rather shabby and careworn, but there is a faded charm to them.

One of the many artworks you just come across dotted all over the city. This piece is called "Blackfriars Settlement" and is the work of Laura Moreton-Griffiths.

Finally this one has been screwed onto the wall in the pedestrian underpass and intrigued me. I still don't know much about it, but have been told it links to a mudlarking page on instagram called "Old Father Thames". The broken clay pipes had made me wonder...

Hope you enjoyed this little recap of my day out....I found this harder to write than I imagined I would. It's been quite emotional in some ways...both good and bad. Here's to good memories and looking forwards to making many more.



  1. When the children were young we often took the train up to London as it was really cheap then. We had some lovely days out. Sadly the cost has rocketed and we can't walk far but we still have our memories.
    I think the mushroom suitcase if my favourite.

    1. I shall continue to share what I find when I next get up there to visit my friend. Arilx

  2. You showed me lots of things I've not seen before! I really enjoyed seeing things from your point of view! How lovely to show Lovely grey around!


Batty Scaremaker

 It was another of my precious Mondays off and I was due to be in London, but my lovely friend was called for a very important NHS appointme...