Wednesday 13 May 2020

Ramblings from the Rambles

A selection from this week's pavement poundings. Looking up...mare's tail cloud formation

Straight ahead of Hawthorn blossom overhanging the path.

Down...the magnificent spikes of Red Hot Poker and somebody's choice for "joke of the day" affixed to a public railing. This one got shared on our local FB group and raised a smile with many who don't live in the locality.

Peeking through the school bushes [well after school closing hours I should hasten to add!] the playground fence is now sporting its own rainbow.

Off to the left a sign of the times on a local pub injected with a dose of good humour and a very eyecatching door with its floral panes of glass.

Whilst off to the right are these windows on one of the town centre buildings. If asked I'd have described them as arched windows, but the proper term I learnt this week is lunette. Something to do with lunar/moon shape I'm surmising.....

Enough to have kept me amused once again. I am slowly returning to work this week....complete with gloves, facemask and of course, practising social distancing. 



  1. Love the stained glass door.

    1. We both like a bit of colour don't we! Arilx

  2. OH, I adore playground jokes! Shall share the ladder punchline with a music teacher I know. Here's another:
    What did the fish say when he swam into a wall?

    1. Loved your joke...have shared it with friends!! Arilx


Batty Scaremaker

 It was another of my precious Mondays off and I was due to be in London, but my lovely friend was called for a very important NHS appointme...