Monday, 11 May 2020

Dog Tired

When you just want to be left in peace to sunbathe undisturbed in the road you can:

a] Lie as flat as possible so that you look like some form of road kill at a distance [that was our first thought]

b] Masquerade as some child's abandoned fluffy toy [that was our second thought]

c] Not move a muscle and play dead, so that annoying bipeds pass by as quickly as possible.

Please meet the lovely Rita who is apparently the world's friendliest dog....except when she's sunbathing and then nothing, but nothing will make her move an inch.

I have to say Rita completely made my evening walk once we'd ascertained that she was very much alive and kicking despite appearances to the contrary.



  1. Oh how funny! Were her owners close by?

    Julie xxxxx

    1. Yes standing on the pavement just out of shot. It's a quiet side road. Arilx

  2. Beautiful dog!! I have the Beatles song,Lovely Rita going around in my head,lol.xx

    1. I had exactly the same thought when the owners told me her name! Arilx

  3. Once upon a time, a family in my then-rural neighborhood adopted a wolf-dog. Fuzzy Wuzzy was a cute pup, but he grew into a rangy mutt that resembled an overgrown coyote. In his dotage, like Rita he took his siestas in the middle of the road on sun-baked asphalt. 'Tho his hearing was gone, his fangs were formidable, order to pass one had to blow the horn and wait for the family's tiniest child to run out, grab an ear and tug him to safety. Sweet little Rita looks much more manageable!

    1. Bless his heart. Rita's owners were just out of sight of the camera. Arilx

  4. I hope they will let Rita know that the lockdown has been eased . . . risk of traffic, Rita!

  5. Oh bless her!!! What a sweetie!



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