Friday, 1 May 2020

Beltane 2020


The May blossom is out in all its beauty around my little corner of West Sussex. Locally it was once known as the Cuckoos' Bread and Cheese Tree. Others may know it as the White Thorn or more commonly the Hawthorn.

If you follow the old ways may I take this opportunity to wish you Beltane blessings.



  1. May blossom still not out yet here - too chilly.

    1. We used to live in East Anglia [Norfolk and Essex] and boy were those winds cold sometimes! Arilx

  2. I follow a different path, Aril; however, I choose to observe the feast days of all my friends, so I put honey on my toast this morning. :)
    (Sadly, no honey cakes on offer here.) Beltane blessing to you!

  3. Beltane Blessings Aril. I don't follow The Ways but am very interested and have several books,cards,crystals,clay ornaments of Goddesses.Where I walk my dogs I have met Druids as there is a circle of Oak trees.Occasionally I have seen them celebrating a Wedding.I used to talk to a Druid Priest and his Mother who was lovely.They were from Belvoir.They wore lovely clothes and had the instruments and sickle and lots of people would arrive some wearing animal horns x

    1. It presents differently to all of us..mine is based upon a very practical doer. Not one for sitting still and meditating me!! Arilx

  4. love your green man mask. Happy Beltane. The hawthorn is flowering where I live (Derbyshire) and smells lovely.

    1. He's lovely isn't he. A lady in Mythago had an Autumn one which I admired and I asked her to pick up one of the maker's masks next time she saw him which she kindly did. Arilx

  5. Samhain here in Australia ;) the wind is wailing and the veil is thin.
    Sending Beltane blessings to you!

    1. And Samhain blessings to you too Evix Arilx



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