Sunday 3 May 2020

Extracting the Michael

Normally I'd have been out shaking my bells at some May day/Beltane themed bash...this year we were due to be back at the Rochester sweeps festival which we've done most regularly over the years.  From time to time we've done the famous Jack-in-the-Green down in Hastings and they're doing a virtual parade this time round. I miss all the fun and spectacle of these events as well as the earthy humour. This song "Morris Dance" by the Bar Steward Sons of Val Doonican takes the rise out of us perfectly and touches upon many true aspects of being part of the very eccentric parallel universe I'm a proud part of!!

It made me hoot with laughter!



  1. I enjoyed that - thank you.

    1. Thank you for your comment Rambler. Glad you liked it. Arilx

  2. Belated happy May Day Aril:)
    Thanks for the laugh - the name of the band is brilliant - and I can see why you'd love it.
    A queston for you - do the Mummers here come from the same tradition as the Morris dancers?

    1. Thanks Fil. The origin of Morris dancing is a bit unknown...first mention of it is 15th century and possibly from Moorish. Mummers or guisers [from disguise] have been around since the same sort of time and probably started alongside the regular religious plays performed as a more secular version although they still are about death and resurrection. Over time I think perhaps the Morris and Mummers just morphed into one. Morris dancing was resurrected as part of the folk revival and many areas have their own unique version of the mummers play. Arilx

  3. Just catching up. Well this made my day!

    Julie xxxxxxx


Batty Scaremaker

 It was another of my precious Mondays off and I was due to be in London, but my lovely friend was called for a very important NHS appointme...