Friday, 22 May 2020

Floral Friday

"I'd rather have flowers in my hair than diamonds round my neck."

All these beautiful blooms were in the churchyard that we visited last weekend. Cultivated sat cheek by jowl with their wild companions and many areas of the grass have been left unmown to allow them to thrive.



  1. Pretty flowers

    Julie nxxxxxxxx

    1. Thank you. They were lovely to see. Arilx

  2. I too would rather have flowers in my hair than diamonds around my neck!We have also been taking a walk around a local church yard.While admiring the lovely wild flowers,I was heartbroken to see that the council have taken any little windmills and teddys off the childrens graves.A notice was put up,saying that all the toys and little trickets were in a big rubber bin and could the parents collect them from there as they are not allowed.I cannot see what harm they were doing and it must be heart breaking for the parents to see the small toy they had bought for their babies grave just discarded like this.Now it is just barren land with small name plaques.I felt heartbroken for them,xx

    1. I understand where you're coming from. Sometimes the graveyards have rules that say you can only leave things that naturally biodegrade. It's a difficult one. Arilx

    2. There's a large, historic cemetery near me that has similar restrictions on what items can be placed on graves; however, during the weeks before and after Memorial Day, almost anything is allowed. There is a special section for infants in one corner, where the toys and trinkets remain undisturbed. This is also where a charity group periodically holds funerals for unclaimed stillborns. One thinks well of the current management -- and with relief, since friends and family are resting here.



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