Saturday, 8 November 2014

Harrumphrey Times.

Back again and alas so soon! Yes I have been here but a measly month and yet I have racked up another trip to the vet So, so unfair....I lay down on the table and twinkled at her purring away and without any justification she stuck a nasty needle in my neck. Then to add insult to injury she then unceremoniously plonked me on the scales and officially declared me on the "brink of being stout". I have also been informed that I need to take more exercise.The injustice of it all...I had been operating on the GBT's policy of waste not, want not.....not a scrap has been wasted but now the staff have put me on diet rations. However, emergency measures have been taken....I have attached myself to the fridge door with a piece of elastic so that I can ping into the kitchen at every given opportunity and maximise my chances of an extra, much needed snack. I ensure that I distract Mr GBT every time he heads for the biscuit barrel by getting under his hope is that he might fall headlong into the fridge and knock out a tasty morsel whilst he's there. He might as well make himself useful.

Anyway I hope you like my selfie....I think I'm a fine figure of a feline. Please leave all messages of support/fanmail in the comments box.



  1. You poor dear, you'll be wasting away to nothing! Was so very sorry to hear of your 'almost, but quite unnecessary op fiasco' too! :(

  2. Too right, Humphrey; get that fridge open, human slave!

  3. Thank you dear kind four pawed felines must stick together!




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