Tuesday, 11 November 2014

Lest We Forget....

A war memorial to the women who worked in my town's hospital during the Great War. I haven't seen many dedicated to the women who worked for the war effort on home soil. This is quietly tucked around the side of a house in the town centre and only came to my attention earlier this year.

The poppies that surround our war memorial to those who so tragically lost their lives in both wars so that we might live in peace. Recently further names have been added as more information has come to light.

On a personal note I've only discovered in the last three years from my Uncle that my Great Grandfather Bill Redman fought in the trenches. He was one of the "lucky" ones who survived but did not escape unscathed. He was gassed and suffered stomach problems for the rest of his life. There's a big age between my Mum and her brother [my Uncle] so she wasn't aware either until I told her. I hope to carry out some more research and find out more.


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