Sunday, 27 September 2015

Buttoned Up

Warning- if you suffer from koumpounophobia please look away now!

Working for a wide range of clients as I do in my capacity as a housesparkling elf it throws up many surprises. I am very lucky because they are a lovely bunch [I left the only person who I didn't like very quickly when they kept trying not to pay me!] and in turn, I try to be flexible by doing as much as possible within my remit. They expect a high standard of me and I do my absolute best to meet that but they also regularly misbehave and spoil me. I guess it's a case that when you have cleaned for the same people over a period of time [some I've now been with for three years when from when I first started up] you form a rapport with them.

A couple of weeks ago I was asked to help with some decluttering which is something I've done before for this lady. This time we sorted out her Granny's sewing box and she gave me these.

Inside were buttons. Many are regular ones removed thriftily from old clothes which have been added to my own small collection but contained within were also these more special ones. The booklet is a Victorian embroidery guide. I'm now thinking that some of the patterns have great potential for a dollshouse cross stitch rug.

Over the years I've had a go at making buttons a couple of times. These are the instructions for making wooden ones out of mistletoe from an uncopyrighted blog I tried with some dried out buddleia dried stems but they split. Need to try them with a hard wood next time. I have also had a crack at making these Dorset buttons in the past- they are fiddly but very pretty With my new challenge starting shortly these may be skills worth resurrecting. I have formed a modest plan for an upcycle on a jumper I was given last year so if it's any good I shall share.


1 comment:

  1. I've made Dorset buttons. As you say, very fiddly, but definitely worth the effort.



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