Tuesday 8 September 2015

Expotition to the North Pole.

Near us is the High Weald so we're talking Winnie the Pooh country here. In the real world known as the Ashdown Forest this was the inspiration behind A A Milne's children's classic. If I was to be honest coniferous woods and heathland are not really my thing [I much prefer deciduous trees] but we and a chum H had a delightful bumble around.

This is the enchanted place

The Heffalump Trap- H and I are quite sure that we found the tracks of the elusive creatures but alas no heffalumps seen today. Never fear though H has a house full of heffalumps as she rescued most of my son's collection when he outgrew his elephant obsession and she couldn't bear to see them abandoned to a charity shop!

The North Pole which rather confusingly is at the bottom of a hill.

And the view from Galleon's Lap.

We failed to come home with a single woozle either but we did see a few other bits so will update next time. For those wanting to play pooh sticks you need to travel onto Hartfield where there is a bridge for just this purpose and also a delightful shop full of Pooh related merchandise- Remember to take your own sticks though as the surrounding area has been completely denuded of suitable twigs. Bother!



  1. My wife's people retired to Crowborough, so I know Ashdown Forest quite well. Next time you're there try The Hatch pub, at Coleman's Hatch.

  2. Thank you for the recommendation- pubs and morris dancers are always a good mix!


Batty Scaremaker

 It was another of my precious Mondays off and I was due to be in London, but my lovely friend was called for a very important NHS appointme...