Thursday, 3 September 2015

Druid Podcast

Sometimes I think I don't escape from under my stone often enough. I have only recently discovered the existence of the Druid podcasts and only by chance at that- a lady sent me an email [in my soon to be ending stint as Mythago secretary] enquiring about our CD as she'd heard it on the latest episode. Today I have investigated further and to my amazement I've discovered that it's been up and running since 2007 so it's hardly new. I obviously have never had a relevant conversation with a fellow Pagan to find out about it. Anyhow I finally got my act together today and have had a little listen...lots of interest to a Pagan bod like me and now I'm keen to book tickets for the Celtic exhibition at the British Museum which opens later this month. They will have the Gundestrup Cauldron from Denmark on display and the chance to see it for real is a once in a lifetime experience as far as I'm concerned.
For anyone else who's missed this little audio gem the link is here for you


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