Sunday 1 June 2014

The Sights and Sites of Brighthelmstone

More from Brighton....I wouldn't wish to live in Brighton but I love the vibrancy and the unexpected around every corner. I come away feeling invigorated by what I've seen.

Just love it!



  1. Ooh, I love Brighton. When I went back to UK (for a funeral but that's another story) I met up with my old bestie there and we had a fantabulous time. Great Italian lunch and a wander round the lanes - perfect!

  2. I remember when Ju-Ju had Mary Portas there to help them rejuvenate the shop - they wouldn't alter the zebra stripes though!
    Rose H

  3. Thank you for your comments. The stripy building has a silver zebra head on it aswell.


Sun, Moon and Stars

I've been having fun with my fabric paints creating these small pictures of a medieval style sun and moon. They look a bit rougher round...