Monday 1 July 2013

Girls' Talk.

Dave Edmunds kindly sang a song all about it when I was, but a young bright thing and through the fantastic film "How To Make An American Quilt", I first became vaguely aware of how women talk and craft together. There are even special names for it I was later to discover...quilting bee, stitch 'n' bitch, knit and natter. I think that I may have now discovered the morris dancers' equivalent....chatters in tatters. The recent photo illustrates just such an exchange....I am the one in the blue garb by the way!



  1. :-D I like this!

    Chatters in tatters is good, I was trying to com up with something clever to add, but there is no synonym for chat that rhymes with stick or mask.
    The best I could come up with is machinations in masks, but I think that is slightly too sinister and chatters in tatters is much better.
    I will stop rambling on in your comments now, :-D

  2. Well we've got it down to a fine art Sam I think!

  3. OO! You're a morris dancer?! How wonderful! LOL at Chatters in Tatters love it! Blimey that Dave Edmonds track takes me back a bit!

  4. Thanks for the comment Kim. I am a novice morris dancer but without a hanky in sight. We always masks and shout a lot. Normally we're to be found in black and we're the only side in the country that tell myths.


Hubble Bubble

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