Saturday 20 July 2013


To me the glorious sight of a field full of poppies signifies late summer and the harvest. The first photo was taken earlier in the week on the edge of a neighbour's lawn. By the next day the strong breeze had blown away all the petals and the moment of transient beauty was gone.

These yellow and orange Welsh poppies were taken in my garden last year but the orange ones have put on another impressive show this year. The yellow one stubbornly refuses to self seed despite my best attempts and so I have just the one still!

This pink one I saw on my recent visit to Manor Farm

Finally I have included this one that I saw in Devon some while ago because I was just so taken with a spotty poppy and I have never seen one since!



  1. Aril,could we do a swap of seeds I have lots of yellow Welsh Poppies but no orange ones?:-)

  2. That's a fab idea WP- perhaps you could pm your addy via the normal channels and I will do likewise!

  3. Hi Aril, I love poppies too. I bought a pack of bee friendly seeds to scatter this year, they're nearly all poppies! There are a couple of black spotted ones but the leaves are different to the ones you've pictured I'd be more than happy to send you some seeds as soon as they are ripe if you'd like?
    If you email me your address (replacing 'at' and 'dot' with the symbols) I'll get them off to you as soon as poss.

    Rose H

  4. Oh thanks Rose H that's so kind- if you'd like some orange welsh poppies in return do please let me know. I'll drop you a line tomorrow!

  5. Hi Aril
    A quick thank you for the poppy seeds which arrived safe and sound yesterday :o)
    The seed heads here are still green so I'll send them when they're ready!
    Sorry, can't email you at the moment as my laptop motherboard is fried :o(
    Rose H


Traffic Cones

[Image from Pixabay] For those of us who like a geeky fact or three an American street painter by the name of Charles Scanlan first came up ...