Sunday, 14 July 2013

Words to comfort....

I suspect that it will come as no surprise to you that I keep a notebook of favourite quotes [and other books of jottings on other topics besides!], but this one that I came across several years ago, remains my favourite and one I return to when things are perhaps a little rocky. I find great peace in the timelessness of the wisdom and the recognition that ,although what troubles us may change, the emotions we experience remain the same from generation to generation.

It was written by Dame Julian [canonised in 1980] who was born in 1343. Little is known of her life but she became a mystic and latterly an anchoress living in a cell in the south wall of the St Julian church in Norwich which is now maintained as a shrine to her.

"All shall be well, and all shall be well. And all manner of things shall be well."



  1. Wonderful. I love quotations ... one of my favourites is - "what's for you won't pass you by".

  2. Ooh thanks Kim- another one to add to the collection!



 Ah-ha 'propitating' is my newest word and it means to win or regain the favour of the Gods/Spirits/People by doing something which ...