Sunday, 28 July 2013

Various weekend natterings!

This is a smorgasbord post of basically all my wonderings and wanderings that can't be persuaded to fit neatly anywhere else!

Firstly my new awen pendant made of yew [my favourite tree] and made for me by one of my dearest chums as a marvellous surprise on Friday at our little Lammas rite [there are only 3 of us who come together to celebrate so it really is small scale!]. I wore it for my dancing yesterday.

A most lovely sweetie display spotted in a shop window as we hurtled past in Eastbourne- fortunately it was closed. Arils like sweeties and having broken the Guinness world record for demolishing a big bag of liquorice allsorts on Friday, I thought I should leave others the chance at the other sweetie eating records. I'm not known as the Snackette Queen for nothing you know! It takes a great deal of time and dedication to the cause to reach such heights!

Witchy potions espied in another shop window- you never know when you might need a top up of the old eye of newt!

I fell in love with these little chaps, but, much to Gert's delight [the GBT's purse] the shop was shut so I couldn't indulge the material girl. Sob!

I did feel that the universe was conspiring against me in the shopping stakes- romantic notions of having a leisurely stroll around the various hippy stalls whilst flinging my pennies around willy-nilly soon were put out of my head with a short lunch break sandwiched between back to back dancing sessions. However, I have a snout like a bloodhound and can sniff out the scent of a greenman at a hundred paces. Consequently, I managed to track down a greenman stall very efficiently and place my custom with him. This little chap came home with me- the stallholder has been painting greenmen for 15 years and his work has been featured in the Goddess Magazine, Pagan Dawn and Merry Meet. Sadly I was so short on time that I forgot to ask him if he had a business card so I didn't get his name. Hopefully, I might catch up with him again sometime.



  1. I've been in that sweet shop! :) Love the necklace and those owl tea cosies are gorgeous! And now for my own wee bit of Eastbourne news (as this is H's hometown) H has agreed to paint me a greenman for the garden. :)

  2. Should H feel any need to practise his greenman painting skills there's always space for one more in a certain garden in Sussex!! Look forward to seeing a photo in due course!



 I've been getting some practice in today using my new phone. We've been to a Sussex garden called Denmans which is new to both of u...