Friday, 5 July 2013

How jolly careless of me....

Not more greenmen I hear you sigh.....oh please allow me the indulgence of just one my hasty excitement of trawling through yesterday I forgot this dear chap who is actually within 100 yards of where I live. Some time ago one of the playgrounds was removed in the estate after the bigger one was upgraded and replaced by a little community garden. This graces the entrance.

I promise no more [well for now anyway!]



  1. Swoon! That is GORGEOUS! I'd love that for my garden!

  2. I might just have forgotten to mention that this one I would never have come across if the small person hadn't discovered it- I never ever walk that way through the estate!


Woolly Thinking

As a Druid I like to keep a little personal altar to mark the wheel of the year. In practice this means that every six weeks or so I change ...